Hello Yes, I know it has been like 5 days since I last wrote something. I wasn't lying about me being lazy. But today's topic is about a disease called the Kpop. As many of you might of noticed Kpop is starting to become quite the topic since BTS have gone to Billboard, the UN and collaborated with many artists.

I know you're all probably thinking, 'what's the whole point of this?' Well my friend. I'm here to talk to you about how I got into Kpop and how you can too. I can tell you that I have infected maybe 2 or 3 friends with this wonderful Kpop fever.

It is a disease that acts quickly but develops slowly. At first when you hear the foreign language that you may think is Chinese or something you will sit there wondering if you're hearing an actual sentence or just plain gibberish (which is what most people think so if you do, don't worry. You're normal). It then develops into you finding the English lyrics where you begin to grasp ahold on what the song is about. But it doesn't stop there. Your attention is then caught by another lyric video or music video that makes you curious as to what they are about. From then on you just continuously watch videos, losing track of time and how many videos you've clicked on.

I got into Kpop around the end of 2014, it was actually my sister who introduced me to Kpop. But I'm glad she did because I was able to find groups and artists who, as cliche as it sounds changed my life for the better. But Kpop is something not many people really appreciate. One day my friends asked Who do you wanna marry I say kpop idol hahaha..But Actually I really want to. Its impossible I know😭 because my bias means(my fav idol) doesn't even know I exist.

All in all, Kpop is something that you can get into. Yeah it may be different and difficult to grasp a hold but it's a new experience. As a Kpop fan I want people to appreciate Kpop more and not constantly shade on it just because it's Korean. If you've read all this, you just earned my respect since this is literally me ranting about what Kpop is to me and to others. At the end of the day if you don't like Kpop that's okay and and if you do, good on ya.